想求婚成功?了解天然鑽石與培育鑽石的選擇,並探索10個詳細創意求婚方法,讓她感動落淚。安東尼里 ANTONELLI 助你打造完美時刻!
想求婚成功?了解天然鑽石與培育鑽石的選擇,並探索10個詳細創意求婚方法,讓她感動落淚。安東尼里 ANTONELLI 助你打造完美時刻!
在香港,求婚戒指通常戴在左手中指,而結婚對戒戴在左手無名指。本文將探討戒指的佩戴習俗,並分享如何挑選完美的鑽石或培育鑽石戒指,透過安東尼里 ANTONELLI 獲取更多選擇與保養技巧。
Understand the importance of diamond certificates for safe purchases and emphasize the critical role of verifying the laser engraved code. Ensure the authenticity and quality of your diamond and make...
Choosing a diamond is not just about choosing a dazzling gemstone, it is also about choosing a display of style and personality. Each shape of diamond has its own unique...
When preparing an engagement ring in Hong Kong, how can you accurately measure your girlfriend's finger size and keep it as a surprise? ANTONELLI offers professional advice to help you...